Just thinkin'
There is not much going on tomorrow but some #s on Wednesday and Saturday Bernanke is going to speak. I am not sure to leave 100% in or pull out 50%, before that. I'm holding with a loss at the moment but this thing can shoot up or down at a blink of an eye. However, odds are in favour of going down but so far, odds are against me. Overall, QE is not helping the economy go turbo and I think Bernanke/Obama admin are running out of ideas. A recent study suggest that the wealth gap b/ween the Whites and Blacks/Hispanics has widen during the Obama administration (worst than during Bush's); his intentions were/are good but results are not so good for him. Usually, when things go like this, they usually pull the 'war' card on you; maybe 'save' Syria. Anyway, QE is actually helping the rich and reports out there suggests that the participation of common folks in stock markets are also down. In other words, middle class is going no where.