GREY:CPYCF - Post by User
Comment by
orrzeeon May 17, 2013 12:47am
Post# 21407649
RE: RE: RE: Incredible
RE: RE: RE: Incredible Now THAT was funny. "No longer an appropriate way to employ people". Who do you think you are pal....GOD !! Get over yourself fella, you and your peeps aren't going to decide who works and who doesn't. You need to deal with the fact that you don't control growth and enterprise in this province. Your opinions are just that and you know what they say about opinions, they are like..........everyone has one. What would you have the people of BC do for work ? Please tell me where are these good paying jobs ? Tourism, film. I would suggest sir that you are the type that has never got your hands dirty in your life trying to make a living. You gave your name...quite a statement. You never did say what it is you do for a living ? Actually I don't really want to know.....I already do. Anyone who has truly worked for a living would never spend this much time trying to stop the good folks that do. That is the sad truth about who you are.
You aren't a worker Chris. Very likely a silver spoon freeloader. Sit back on your inheritance or whatever means someone else contributed to your well being. The workers of BC will continue to give you a free ride as you try to have some kind of disjointed cause. You just sit back and relax, let the work be done by people with character, that is the way it always has been and always will be. You should try it, you never know, you might like it. I will even lend you a set of work gloves ( I will explain those later).
Proud supporter of responsible mining.