RE: RE: POINT PROVEN...GUTTING FISH !!!!LOL LOL Not so fast Chris!__Helping your friends a few times out on their boat doesn't make you either a fisherman nor worker__Your real status fits my profile much better than what you are trying to portray.
And that must have been one heck of a boat you helped out on with an onboard freezer compartment in addition to the usual wet fish hold__but only a 10 foot deck to work on__and right out in the open with no shelter from the rain/waves!_____Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And did you guys row out there or use the wind in the sails__not very likely__you used the most convenient source of energy to fuel the diesels and freeze all those salmon didn't you?
So all carbon based energy is what this global warming is all about__whether it is coal derived or oil/nat gas derived doesn't much matter in the long run__we will all be toast__but in the meantime, right now still, good paying coal mining jobs remain VERY appropriate for the times for all those who haven't retired on a Gold Plated defined benefit pension!
So are you a hypocrite or not?
Seems to me that your true adjenda has always actually been to make sure CEC coal is NEVER trucked through your town and this has nothing to do with your global warming red herring!
PS__I just want to keep you LOL!