Just a tad bit of difference from the 4/11/12 anno 4/11/13:
"Management has taken a number of key actions in order to achieve the plant production during 2013, including additional filter presses have been ordered and are scheduled for delivery during the second quarter and to become operational during the third quarter. The installation of a CCD circuit that will result in an increasing the overall recovery rate is underway and will be completed gradually during 2013.
In order to meet the planned level of production the addition of a second drying oven and a new furnace in the refinery is currently being designed, and will be completed during the third quarter."
On May 3, 2013 a brand new tailings filter press was commissioned at Shafter. This replaced a used low-capacity press that was contributing to operational delays. The timeline from purchase to commissioning was 21 days. The new press has operated to specifications and has provided an operational capacity of 600 tpd at 90% availability.
- A second new tailings filter press, of the same design and capacity has been ordered. A third filter press will be ordered shortly to achieve the design capacity of 1,500 tpd. Delivery of the second press is anticipated in Q3 2013 and the third press in Q4 2013.
I guess the purchase order for the last press that was on order last month must have been lost, ehh??
AND, NO mention of the imfamous oven and furnace issue brought to our attention last month! I guess it's still in "design" phase!?! lololol