Looking Back I would get nervous around assessment filing time. Periodically it was my job to pay the fees and submit the Assessment papers for our claims, and then VERIFY that everything was OK. I even had a nightmares about desperately searching mining records, in the county Courthouse, trying to find my prior years assessment papers with a recording date stamp prior to September 1, we had been claim-jumped. Always my fear was that IF I screwed up or forgot to do the filing, the claims would be lost, it would be my fault and my partners would be furious! Scary enough in a dream...
PointGuard, I am sorry for the predicament of CDE shareholders. IMO you have a right to be very angry at CDE and their failure here. No excuse for ANY MINING COMPANY for not having in place STRONG triggers and alarms, for the ONE TASK each year upon which EVERYTHING ELSE DEPENDS, to check and double check it gets done, IMO. CDE had almost 60 days to identify their mistake and then simply RELOCATE the lapsed claims, a paper transaction as well.
"Oops" ain't good enough IMO. I suggest one protest at the company desk where "the Buck Stops", not Rye Patch or their people.
Contract mining is a real option for RPM if they prevail, IMO the mine will not close in any outcome, except for maybe $15 silver. Maybe that will be Rye Patch's fault too?