RE: Van Eeden;s Formula Works with PVG I for one don't pay much attention to PVE, as I have found in the past that his 'analysis' does not gibe with my own observations. In my case, it was the uranium sector. I remember watching his presentation in Vancouver around mid 2005, when he lectured about the Separative Work Unit (see wiki below) as a reason for avoiding the entire sector. Essentially (and my interpretation may be too simplistic), he construed the SWU as a case for recycling existing supply instead of digging up more. I ignored him and made a pile buying shares in properties over in Eastern Europe. Of course, then Fukushima happened, and the whole complex went into a swan dive, but I managed to dodge that bullet. Hmmm. I cannot get my ENTER key to work while posting on Stockhouse today, so apologize for that, but anyway, CLICK HERE for PVE's recent talk on Kitco about bearishness on gold. It seems to me like doubletalk without context, just a few sweeping statements that might have held water in the old days before credit implosion and bad monetary policy became the dominant investment themes. I do not intend to pay any more attention. That said, gold is probably weak from here in USD terms as other currencies lead the way down. Any junior that hasn't proven a resource for production in the next couple years is probably dead paper but doesn't know it yet. The Americans and Chinese are looking for emerging producers in safe jurisdictions that have the goods. We are going to see a wave of takeovers and deals that leave most juniors in the cold. All JMHO. I mean no disrespect to PVE, he is a very knowledgeable guy.. Link to Uranium SWU Wiki