Source rocks I sent an email (see below) to IR today asking about the correlation of the source rocks as I cannot see the lower source rock from Wingat-1 capable of charging the Murombe fan complex cause it is above the possible reservoir.
If anybody of you guys has an answer please post. If I get an answer I will post it here.
Dear Carlos,
Todays news release regarding Wingat includes the sentence: Our efforts will now be to proceed to our second exploration location in this basin - the Murombe-1 well, which will target turbidite reservoirs located above and beneath these source rocks within the same PEL
With respect to the Q1 2013 presentation page 17 and 18 I was concluding that the source rocks penetrated by the Wingat-1 well penetrated 2 intervals of source rock, which both are located above the Murombe Fan complex.
Or is the sentence in the news release meaning Baobab?
According to the presentation slides the source rock beneath the Murombe Fan complex was definitely not penetrated at Wingat-1.
Could you please have a look and explain.
Thank you!