RE: RE: timne threshhold well that's what disclaimers and safe havern statements are for aren't they? Equity is little more than casino chips that increase (hopefully) or decrease (usually) based ont he whim of good news, bad news, computer algorithms... and a host of invesitng and trading philosophies... every one invested IN SNV is here for one reason... Greed...some accpet it... some like to feel their above it... Let me put it this way...
SNV is an entry level exploration company... with no producing assets... and a license to explore for Heavy Oil in a war torn country where the occupying force... is STILL on the ground... and terrorist acts occur on a daily basis... and YOU bough tshares based on??? a definitive timeline to production? NO... you bought shares on the chance...C-H-A-N-C-E... that there was a possibility... that at some point... that exploration license would lead to meainginful 2P resefve numbers... that SNV would at some point be able to cash in on... anyone... ANYONE... that belives SNV was a sure thing from the outset... clearly didn't do their DD... OR temper their expectations by virtue of SNV's chosen theatre of operations...
Like MY Daddy always said... don't gamble..(he was a gambler by profession... cards, snooker, horses)... don't gamble with money you can't afford to throw away... ALWAYS... expect to lose... and if it turns out different... then be grateful that you got lucky and made a couple of right decisions...
It's my opinion... git yer own...