Re. PSN in TFSA. From the CRA. The only way that you can retrieve money from a TFSA is withdrawal of funds. As the TSX delisted PSN,it is game over and the only hope of getting any of your investment back is joining a Class Action Suite against PSN.
So that I don't have to look at this POS every time I open my TFSA I got a letter from my Broker called " Direction To Remove and Assign Securities".
This letter will remove the security position from my TFSA account,assign to CIBC World Markets Inc.any and all rights,title and interest in the above-noted securities. As the old saying goes, PSN stock certificates are not worth the paper they are printed on.
If the reader wishes to strike PSN from their TFSA acct. I would suggest they contact their broker and get a" Direction to remove and assign seccurities letter."
As for joining a class action suite there is too much hassel involved re. the amount of money retrieved if any for me.