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Verde Agritech Ltd T.NPK

Alternate Symbol(s):  VNPKF

Verde AgriTech Ltd is an agricultural technology company that produces potash fertilizers. The principal activity of the Company is the production and sale of a multi-nutrient potassium fertilizer marketed in Brazil under the brands K Forte and BAKS, Silicio Forte, and internationally as Super Greensand (the Product). K Forte is a potash fertilizer that is a source of potassium, silicon, and magnesium and micronutrients. BAKS is a combination of K Forte plus three other nutrients that can be chosen by customers according to their crops’ needs. It mines and processes its main feedstock from its 100% owned mineral properties, then sells and distributes the Product. Its Cerrado Verde Project is in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, which is a potassium-rich deposit, from which it is producing solutions for crop nutrition, crop protection, soil improvement, and increased sustainability. Its technologies are Cambridge Tech, 3D Alliance, MicroS Technology, N Keeper, and Bio Revolution.

TSX:NPK - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by fiddledeeon May 24, 2013 10:03pm
Post# 21440377

Congrats NPK shareholders!

Congrats NPK shareholders!

Its been a tough week....but things are looking much more promising.

Just goes to show....there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Best luck!

Bullboard Posts