Latest update from BNS 1 year target for Sandvine $4.20 !!!!
.Recent Update Text as of 22MAY13 Both North American and European carriers are facing challenges with mobile data
. - we believe SVC could help them both. ARPU growth decreasing but LTE investment still needed. Despite the billions
invested in LTE networks North American carriers have not been able to charge
for this technology. In Europe, the carriers have not been as successful in
driving mobile data ARPU. . Personalization vs. usage-based billing. SVC's technology allows for a limitless
number of customer characteristics to be identified, measured, and analyzed
allowing carriers to create differentiated, value-adding plans. Building
customized plans would allow for the delivery of higher value services, create
stickier relationships, and improved QoE. . The bulk of SVC's software revenue now in service creation. Over half of the
company's software revenue is coming from its service creation capabilities. As
the need for this offering increases, we believe SVC will see growing revenue
and profitability. . Maintain SO. With a solid backlog, strong product offering, and growing market,
we expect SVC to deliver a stellar year. We also believe the current headwinds
facing the North American wireless industry offer a great opportunity for SVC to
accelerate top line growth.
Future looks good boyzzz..... :)