RE: RE: RE: RE: AGM this morning I was at the AGM, and it was actual very informative and reassuring.
There were questions about the Financing (I am paraphrasing John's response to several questions);
Why? - It was quite simple, each group/fund/institution/pharma they talked to, their first question was do you have enough money to get through to final results for 007 (their answer was always no, but now it is yes).
Why at those terms? -most of the offering was to several strategic funds from the US. 5 Year, full warrant is essentially the market for such deals there. The 5 year warrant is a virtual non-issue....either everyone is laughing once the end-point data is released (or not).
What about dilution? - Once again, yes there was some dilution (necessary dilution), however, should results be what people are hoping for, everyone will be jumping for joy and cashing in (potentially does that dilution mean a $5.50 share price…instead of a $6 sp?)
Really the company/stock is “binary”, it will either be a huge huge success (or it won’t). Those that are in it, believe in the phase 1 results, and believe all the current signs for phase 2 results are positive ( at least not negative). The fluctuation in share price can be taken as a buying opportunity, as truly nothing has changed.
Like most similar stocks at this phase….there should be a big speculative run up between now and the release of results (then a binary result).
After the AGM, I am more confident and assured that this stock is the right place for me, and it is only a matter of time between now and the results. Hang on for the ride.
Imo ms