$52,400 environmental fines & costs? "The mining company Gold Bullion Rouyn-Noranda was convicted under environmental law. On 2 April 2013 the company Gold Bullion Development Corporation inc. Rouyn-Noranda, was convicted of 18 offenses under the Act on the quality of the environment. Between December 1, 2006 and May 14, 2007 in Rouyn-Noranda, the company is the holder of an authorization issued September 21, 1999 and amended on July 24, 2007, failed to comply with the conditions, ie: not submitting the results of sampling, not to have water samples in the final effluent, have exceeded the maximum concentration of cyanide (CN), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) snapshots in final effluent samples and have exceeded the maximum cyanide concentration at the entrance of the pit # 1, contrary to sections 123.1 and 106 of the Act on the quality of the environment. The company Gold Bullion Development Corporation inc. was sentenced to pay a fine of $ 32,400 and must, in addition to court costs, pay prosecution costs incurred by the Department, in the amount of $ 20,000." https://www.hebdosregionaux.ca/abitibi-temiscamingue/2013/05/14/gold-bullion-na-pas-respecte-lenvironnement