Time for REK to go Private? I have owned REK on and off for about 15 years.The company has had a remarkable turnaround in the past year, yet like so many small caps the market does not reward anything close to what the true value is. I feel certain that managment must have had thoughts about taking REK private. There is such a small float of public shares compared to the majority owned by the Reko family, it doesn't make sense for this comp. to continue as a public corporation with all its legal costs etc. while the book value is about $4.20 per share, perhaps some shareholders, like myself would be very pleased to accept $3.50 per share as a buyout. As most recent transactions in the last two years have been anywhere from .40 cents to $1.70, the stock now sits in the hands of profitable share holders which would make an offer of less than book value viable for both sides. I believe that Diane Reko should consider this proposition and hopefully act upon it. I welcome any thoughts from other shareholders on this matter.