RE: the_Chief flys again Battle they don't come lower class than you. After watching you for over a year on the ZEN board, I'd say you should have enough crow stored in your freezer to last you for a decade of winters. Will you eat ANY of it? Nah i'd say not. You'll probably toss it out if you ever notice it's there.
You battle, are a follower, and imo a greasy leech who wants others to do his DD for him, and even when they do, you'll just suck back the free info and then turn on the people who provided you with quality information. Chief on the other hand is a leader.
Chief apologized and even bought some stock. Now that is classy. In my opinion, the argument he was debating was not that well verbalized by geeraf at times, and that happens sometimes when an experienced scientist tries to explain something in laymens terms. No offense intended to geeraf.
I've know Chief for many years, and he knows his mining plays better than most anyone else I've ever seen. Possibly the best.
Same with charting and projected valuations at various stages in a mining companies path.
His point today is that hi grade does not equal hi purity.
You can have a chunk of 80% Cg, but that doesn't mean squat if you cannot separate out the vast majoirity of the other of the stuff (20%) in an economical manner. So you will get varying purity levels for that chunk depending on what processing methods you use to purify it.
So grade and purity are two entirely different measures.
To geeraf's credit, I am 100% positive that he knows that as well. So, imo, they were both right.
And another thing, I'm pretty sure Chief would not have bought this stock as a graphite play if it did not have a lump graphite property. If it had only flake properties, he'd not have bothered even posting over here let alone buying.