Come on! No use trying to figure out who is buying or selling. If against the odds they manage to reconstruct the company debt the stock is worth 10 times, 30 times, or 50 times current price. If not - it is wort zero, nil, nada =0.
Odds are not good and even if they manage to restructure there is a lot of job to be done and it will take time!
Buyers are aiming for the simple calculation of, maybe 20% hance of making much more than 10 times the money and the seller are looking at the maybe 80% chance of loosing it all
Buy 100.000 share at 2 cents 2000 $. A nice ambe for many but not a well thought through invesment
If you own it, calculate and you find it is not worth selling. If you do not own it, is it wort the risk buying?
Product is there, market is there, finances are definately not there and management a disaster
Place your bets. It is a casino now