The time is now With what MBI has in the light of day the time is now for the push higher. I know stocks trend up and down I get that but the iron is hot and it needs to strike if we want that quick move higher. Over time this will be a good solid company but where does the market value them now, looks like around 20 cents. We had the run then the shake question is how many more shakes before we get to a new level in price? Will the market get us to the 25 to 40 range qick like and in a hurry or do they keep shaking the tree. Monday morning is key to see if a push to a new level is in the works or if it's the standard profit take / shake. All in all I'm very happy with the activity and the personal time lline I have put on the stock. To confrim "real" market deep interest a 8 didget volume day would speak volumes, pun intended. Added on another 13,000 at 17 cents, now holding 65,000, small fries to some but can't fall in love and sell what I have in other plays, went to the credit line for my last purchase.
The time is now, we'll see iof the market agrees with my thoughts, they al;ways buy ahead of the actual facts and those facts are approaching quickly, I say they value us at 25 - 35ish ahead of the actual launch news then a little pop on the news then the classic shake out, they want as many shares as they can get. Good luck all and wings it was a heck of a series, I stole game 6 (didn't deserve to win that one) and game 7 was a beauty, can quick be quick enough to stop the hawks, another beauty is my guess, I'm glad the wings are moving out of the division, they will always be the Red Wings and tough each and every game.