Deal Making... We can rest assured that Greg Romain is hard at work to get the job done..there are a number of base case scenarios to move the project forward...let us "explore" a few:
1. A partner with the deep pockets...keep the ownership below 50 %...the resources in regards to experienced manpower and expertise...this would be ideal.
2. Sell the production forward to a source that will take the concentrate and in turn convert it to gold and receive a return on their investment accordingly...Nice!
3. A deal in whole or in part with Xstrata, the more I think about it the more I feel this is unlikely..they are base metal producers. However, 10 million dollars must be spent on their "D" Line before Gowest can process material...a deal may be made to cover costs, sort to speak.
4. Sell production forward to the likes of Sandstorm Gold..a Royality Company...not ideal but you have to do what you have to do.
5. Have a reputable group or a single entity of Investment Bankers take significant stakes and promote the stock accordingly to get it where they can issue stock to raise the capital could happen.
I made my significant investment for a number of reasons, the factual information available gave me enough insight to determine that yes indeed they do have the goods...confidence in Managements ability to get the proper funding sealed the deal.