RE: RE: end game @ 80cents BEECH I wish I could see it that way however my viewpoint is of a company whose assets are discounted, encumbered by debt and in desparate need of money and time. Without a deal,how much time do we have. We have increased our burn even more by hiring a sales agent for A.H.. I really don,t see another means of raising cash. If other parties are interested they will fully understand BNC's finacial problem. It is a fire sale at best. I don't see how a dividend of more than 10 cents could happen. Then you are left with a company with no cash flow and only potential value. The street values A.H at market price of 30 cents approx. There is no other real value,only potential at a cost. Even a dividend of 30 cents would be like selling your stock now as the left overs would be valueless. Again it would require big cash inputs and time to develop. For my 10 cents worth I'll take an 80 cent buyout anyday.
How many shares have been bought in the 40 cent and less range. More than you think I'd wager. If McRae was on board with a few of the other yesman bod in order to not trigger the pill BNC would be gone tomorrow and many people would be happy with 100%+