Fast Track.. I really like what Management is attempting to "pull off"...there is noway possible that they could ever hope to be successful without having the nearby Kidd Mill available with idled capacity....many, many projects will love to have access to a processing facility within close proximity to a very promising property such as the Frankfield Property.
Fast Tracking will move the project to production years ahead in regards to the "norm" in the mining world...and provide positive cash flow immediately.
The plan is to use the positive cash flow to finance the operation moving forward and "buy time" to expand the Frankfield Property through further and extensive exploration...expansion will lead to the construction of their own Processing Facility on site at the Frankfield Property.
The "beauty" of this is that as they build their cash reserves through actual production they will be able to fund extensive drilling programs without the need to further dilute shareholders moving forward.
The potential of the Frankfield Property is significant and has demonstrated distinct similarities to past producing "giants" of the Timmins Camp.
Greg Romain, President @ CEO is a most determined individual with the vision and foresight to get the job done...he has proven it time and time again...his achievements and actions are speaking loudly!
I have never met him or have ever spoken to him but I would like to do so inspiration to be sure!
P.S. We must keep in mind that although the Kidd Mill Operation will play a vital role in the early days perhaps years of development and cash flow generation the ultimate goal for management is to build a self sustaining operation at the Frankfield Site...Kidd will be a "stepping stone" to reach the final outcome.