RE: RE: Sidewinder Shutdown Nice to see the heartwarming comment from Mr. Broad that, "more people are deciding to move to the country"! What a joke. Last time I checked there weren't but 25 million people in the whole of the country (New Zealand), period.
And to suggest that "people moving to the country" means things have to be "shut down" is a direct violation of concepts of legal 'nuisance and land use law" that date back to merry old England and the common law. "One cannot move to the nuisance and then have grounds and standing to complain. . ."
Without looking further - New Zealand has only 4 something million people. 25 million sheep? Maybe.
And the nuisance and land use concept has long been disgarded in favour of NIMBY-ism, no matter when they showed up. Case in point: Victoria, BC. A tonne of condos were built on the inner harbour - which had been for 300 years, a working harbour. There had been float planes coming in and out of that harbour since about 45 minutes after the Wright Bros. achieved powered flight (so only 100 years) and a train came in and out of the harbour for about 120 years. However, the condo owners, in their infinite narcisism, deemed both to be unacceptable and worked fervently for years to eliminate both. Now the rail is dead and the float planes have to taxi 15-20 minutes out to the Outer Harbour for take-off (nearly doubling the "flight" time to Vancouver)
Not saying I agree with it, in fact, it drives me batty - but to say that is in direct violation of English Common Law and therefore the last word is, sadly, not true at all.