RE: RE: RE: Where is that guy who predicted a lowe Totally!!! Sheesh where you been whats next
1.50? Please say its so when you said
2 bucks on May 14 it went to 4.5 so duh
of course we are all anxiously awaiting your next
great call that you will later say you
didnt mean Gene! Wait a minute !!!!
Mean? Gene? is that really you?
Wheres The Hulkster? Yep! we
are all waiting nervously
for your next bit of wisdom... Hell I have
cash ready to use when you do! Lol!
If you call 1.5 does that mean we go to
6 or are we going to 75 bucks on
a billion pounds of U 308? I for one
forget as I lost my copy of your Newsletter!
"Short Term Investing on Medication"
Yep nervous!