OK Kitman, this is what I told Jorge back in 2003 Kitman wants a direct answer.......so here is what I told Jorge back in 2003, face-to-face in Vancouver, BC, Canada about his $3 Million claim he stated in November, 2001 (including the $1 Million to Villar and $500,000 to his Chilean attorneyAlejandro Moreno Prohens figure) == the balance, $1.5 Million for Jorge was a "promoter's figure", negotiated by Jorge in 2000 when Villar told him he didn't get his $1 Million from LAC/ABX John Lill.
Jorge and his brothers (one in Colorado and one in Santiago) became "agents" for VILLAR because LAC and ABX were based in Canada...............and Villar and (attorney Moreno already got his funds) needed someone in Canada to get Villar his funds.
You're right, Kitman, had Vilar and Jorge negotiated a 3% Net Smelter Royalty in 2001, after Villar filed for an INJUNCTION, Jorge would be a very wealthy man today.
GREED is my professional opinion.It got in the way of settlement for the "Canadian negotiator", namely Jorge. Jorge's family signed the agreement on the El Indio Gold Mine with St. Joe Gold, Tucson, Arizona back in 1976, the first Chilean Gold Mine in operation. The first bar was poured in 1979. What was the price of gold in 1979? Gold went from $220 per ounce to $500 per ounce in one year, 1979.
The good side of this "story" for MSX, is that $3.4 Million from MSX to the present has gained control of the 8600 hector property.