RE: Oreleese Profit79,
I will try to explain my understanding of this EA vs Easement issue you've been bringing up based on my experience as a large project manager...
In simple word: 1) Commissioner can and will render it's decsion (favorable or not) about the easement which will then 2) allow MNR to grant the easement when and only when all projects impacts have been documented, evaluated and mitigated.
It is impossible to complete an EA without knowing where, what type of infrastructure and traffic your comtemplating. Hence an EA for a railroad would be very diffferent than an EA for a road.
So first the Commisioner render its decision. Second either Cliff or KWG does their EA which is then approved by MoE and then if thendecsion was favorable to Cliff, which I doubt! the MNR grants the easement.