we have been sliding going on 17 consecutive months and one would hope we would get enough support at 2.5 or 2 cents and not get into this inevitable slide to half a cent as we have seen quite a bit lately on the V...if someone had told me 2 and a half years ago we would be at 2.5 cents June 12, 2013 and still have room to fall further, I would say BS!!!, LOL..I bought a ton of GZD starting Feb 14, 2011 @38 cents to 70 plus cents and supported WAAY too much in hindsite..I wanted to help the stock but it was a bad move because when i looked behind me virtually no one followed my lead.. it just helped the day traders.. the level of support was never enough to sustain whatever little impetus we gained way back then on what was really hype anyway..and i will never support/attempt to prop up any stock again as my bad experiences here and elsewhere shows it rarely if ever works..unless you get the perfect storm in terms of timing..never been there myself