Who will counter tomorrow? Every time theres a positive upgrade, or Misek from Jeffries raises his target, ( he has been right for the last year), Pac Crest Faucette replies with some BS or the other shorty Suva from Citigroup ( Suva has the 6 dollar target.)
The facts are the facts, the Apple developer conference was a big yawn, and the new upgrades to io7 was a yawn too. The iradio never generated any buzz nor the promise of bigger screens and new colours for Apple handsets.
There was an excellent post about how earnings might be as high as 50 cents. When BB10came out there wasa fair amount of promo bit it seems it has dropped off alot recently.I think the key metric will be how much advertising and support the carriers gave BB. Jobs made the grave mistake of bullying them and they know more than ever how consumers need choices to keep the Samsungs and Apples from demanding too much carrier subsidies on the phones.
Will it be sell the news this time? Every time this gets in 15 territory it seems to get knocked down.