TSXV:AAA.P - Post by User
Post by
oceanelevenon Jun 13, 2013 8:56pm
Post# 21522667
Off Topic(again)
Off Topic(again) but important..............pay attention Snaggers
Market Nuggets: INTL FCStone: Next FOMC Meeting To Be 'Among Most Important In Some Months'
Thursday June 13, 2013 8:05 AM
Next week's meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee may take on added importance for gold and other markets, says Edward Meir, commodities consultant with INTL FCStone. "We expect markets to retain a higher-than-normal degree of volatil¬ity for the balance of this week and into next week going into the Fed¬eral Reserve policy meeting…," he says. "We think this month's Fed statement and news conference by Chairman (Ben) Bernanke will likely be among the most impor¬tant in some months given the mixed messages investors when Chairman Bernanke last addressed members of Congress. Equity markets have since shed some $2.5 trillion of value since he spoke (on) May 22, with the sell-off in emerging markets being especially severe. Simi¬larly, bond markets have also lost ground, with the 10-year Treasury note now pushing towards the 2 1/4% mark." As for gold, "we will wait to see what happens next week in the aftermath of the Fed meeting; should Bernanke fail to offer more clarity in terms of policy, we could see a divergence again set in between gold and equities, but this time around, it could be equi¬ties heading south while gold prices move higher."
GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!