35 cent options and the GW offer! HT... Basic financial planning is granting a truckload of 35 cent options to yourself when only you and your board know that there is private equity interest, fronted by GW, in your animal health division. Is that why McRae has been so keen to note that all offers to date were "unsolicited"... Those options smell more rancid every time he speaks.
What was the GW offer? Was it less than 35 cents per share for AH alone? How do you defend 35 cent options when you and only you and our BOD just finished pondering GW's private equity backed offer. I didn't happen to see that in the BNC literature pre AGM?
Should shareholders not have been privy to that before we were asked to vote on the option grant?
If the company thought it was a pathetic offer, why were so many options granted at a total market cap valuation of 35 million??????? 35 mil for AH, Urocidin, Econiche and the VMC seems like a real bargain the way McRae and company are spouting off now. Apparently Jan 1, 2013 it was an accurate valuation though.
Ram another one into the chamber HT...