FES (FRB.TO) versus TID.TO Forbes Energy services belongs to the same sector. It trades in Nasdaq and it is exposed to the weak North American market. It has zero international exposure and this is a major drawback. Check out FES metrics:
PBV= 0.55 (TID has PBV= 0.17)
FES Long Term Debt is 2.33x the stockholder equity (TID has 0.61x)
2013 EV/EBITDA = 5x (TID has 2013 EV/EBITDA = 3.7x after the latest LOI's and contracts in Tanzania and Colombia that drove the utilization rate to 81%).
Operating Income Margin = 4% (TID has operating income margin at 7%).
Long Term debt/EBITDA = 4.4x (TID has long term debt/EBITDA at 3x)