RE: RE: RE: RE: ISIGN FACTS like a scam All the scammy posts on this board are Alex's fault. He continually releases less than happy news items that lately have been falling far short of expectations. Then, to top off, he adds another bit of fluff that by now, nobody will believe.
He kept us believing until yesterday that he had secured 9 million bucks only to report that it was actually just a couple of million. But, he says, look out there ahead on the end of that stick. Can you see the carrot?
bayern is telling it like it is and getting slammed for it. ISign is losing the race. Development is proceeding far too slow and someone is going to take over the space. These days, in the tech world, you have to move fast or fall by the wayside.
For over a year now I have read reports of large contracts for thousands of antennas but still, there are only a few in operation (testing mode). It isn't working. The latest news tells the story.
Time to pick up my dead money and move on.