A few points on why this stock has dropped The big one is that they are selling 12.7 million litres less than last year, excluding Elbow River numbers. They were supplying an lumber mill that shut down, which reduced their numbers a lot. Considering lumber mills use a lot of fuel. That is why this stock dropped from 20+ dollars, when that report came out. There has been a bit of reduction in gas sales. I feel that this is a moot point now, as Elbow river marketing has more than compensated for that loss.
Another point is that this dividend stocks have all taken a beating, due to the fears Ben will start tapering Quantitative easing. Parkland like all other dividend stocks dropped. I honestly find this bewildering. When the economy was overheating in 2007 Canada Savings Bonds where offering a whooping 3%. So hear we are a long way off from that, and at best interest rates will go up 25 points as well as bonds in the first increase. Parkland is offering 6.25%. This stock will increase its dividend in time. It would not suprised me if it offers a 5% or more dividend when the stock is valued at $25.00. If you bought in at these levels $16 or lower. You would be getting around a 10% percent dividend. Definately worth holding the stock for that.
A read an article a ways back (trying to find it) that basically stated that 70% of money that is made in the stock market is from dividends, where as the rest $30 percent is from capital gains. Food for thought for staying in a dividend stock, such as this one.