Winners/Losers? Give us all a break. Where have you been in life? You can be a winner in one venue and a total loser in the next.
Actually, those who lose some or make errors, are less likely to repeat. Too many dummies think a past fault will result in a future fault. Those desperate to see fault will see it around every corner. Problem is, they are the ones with true fault.
Psych 101 boys.
Next, I must admit to being intrigued with the initial WG challenge. After the BNC/ WG interchanges, I am left with the following:
1. WG appeared well versed in their first overture.
2. BNC responded well.
3. WG started to lose me with their next response, which smacked of 'goombas' trying to force their issue.
4. BNC issued a very astute response which sold me on who I will likely prefer. If WG are in contravention of their original signed agreements of confidentiality, I want nothing to do with them! In this case, they are despicable and should be spurned by all legitimate people. And, I now believe this to be the case.
Let me make this abundantly clear boys and girls, none of us should back, 'back stabbers'! No matter the cost to each of us individually, all people must adhere to strict moral standards to ensure we improve our civilization going forward. What could be a more noble endeavor?