Gold in PLSExcellent news about the low Arsenic values. Arsenic is the bane of the mining industry, and requires a lot of investment to properly meet environment requirements for storage and disposal, not to mention the obvious safety concerns. It sometimes requires special metallurigical treatment too in processing.
Below is a possible scenario regarding added value from gold.
PLS South: AMW
Assuming we end up with 100M lbs. of U3O8 at an average 1.25%, we would require 4 million tons of ore. (At present the average %U is higher).
If the average recovered gold content is 1.58 g/ton, we would have 4,000,000 X 1.58 = 6,320,000 grams of gold.
To convert to ounces: 6,320,000\31.1 = 203,215 ounces of gold.
At $1200/ounce. Total added value would be 1200 X 230,215= $243,858,520 over the life of the mine. (Presently gold is above $1250/oz.)
Not as high gold as Cluff Lake was, but there seems to be good consistancy through out the presently known ore body!
Interesting times ahead with the July drilling scheduled.
I have just returned from Northern Sask. from PLS country, and the local buzz is very positive, some to the point of silliness some more sensible, but over all very high expectations from the locals!
And fishing: Superb!!
As always DD