RE:Average price of potash Fiddle... discredited myself? Everything I write is most of the time supported by facts (contrary to 99% of your posts).
SOP was above $600 when Yara made their offer (more than $100 above the current price). Construction cost are for any mines, not only for nitrogen (see below). Yara are committed to Africa and Ethiopia is part of their strategy ([][/url]). In case you forgot, they increased their participation in ethiopotash after their deal with IC potash.
Again, why don't you tell us what will be the IRR of ICP in their coming FS? 20%? 19%? 18%? 15%? Allana has a healthy 33% and Yara knows that...
I was looking at the history of your posts (before the changes of SH) and you started to spam ICP when it was trading about $1.20. It means that you are down 60% on ICP. It is probably why you are spamming ICP here. I also noticed you were down 25% on Allana (You ride Allana from above 80 cents to 60 cents. BAsed on your history of trading, you are probably one of the worst investor I never seen. You should consider putting your money in a GIC...
“We are not ready to initiate a Belle Plaine expansion today, primarily due to
recent increases in construction cost both in Canada and North America generally,” said Jorgen Ole Haslestad, president and CEO of Yara International.""