Two matters of potential interest1) In case you haven't seen it on other boards, Talbot's comments; there's a bit about the "areal" aspect of PLS that might be of interest:
2) Last week I asked Malcolm Shaw on seekingalpha if he would be writing about the smaller players in PLS and environs; his response, verbatim:
"I've thought about it, but for me there's really very little to say about the "area players" in terms of "investibility". The data is just so limited in the western Athabasca basin that it is truly grass roots exploration. The good news is that most, if not all, of the players you mention are pooling resources in order to get good semi-regional geophysical data acquired which will save everyone time and money. Right now, trendology would have me leaning to towards Nexgen, Purepoint, and Forum, but it is early days for all of them.
Uranium exploration is a very difficult business, requiring a lot of patience and a little luck. I'm sure there will be other discoveries out on the western side, but in the meantime, there is simply no project I would rather invest in than Patterson Lake South, as the risk of discovery is not a factor any more. Now it's all about size, and with mineralization found already at 3 places along an 800m section of what a appears to be a significant shear zone, I believe that there's more uranium to find yet... potentially a lot more. Time will tell. I'd expect drilling to start within the next two weeks."