PresentationPut together by Forest Gump's protege Smelly Gump.
But seriously, filled with rather important info that is quietly snuck into the presentation:
Tacacho not to be touched until security improves?????? Thanks for that tidbit.
Talora non-commercial??? Why maintain that it is so significant and that the flow rates are low because of formation damage only to sum it up with "non-commercial flow rates". Is this a joke, or a deliberate attempt to knock PDQ down the last few pegs?
- Kamal and Loto are each 100MM bbl P50 gross OOIP pools. In lay terms, 9mm bbls net to PDQ each if they flow better and reduce water cut.
- More follow-up locations with good potential sizes.
- No mention of follow-up plans for CPO ... what happened to the testing in July?
- Not a word about follow-up pans for Dorado.
- has potential, but won't be realized in our lifetimes if PDQ's performance is any indication. Besides, it will be a low flow rate steady producer requiring plenty of reservoir engineering ... no quick payout here.
Funded thourh 2013 and 2014 .. HA ... I can make $40M last that long too if I just leave it in the bank.