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Western Forest Products Inc T.WEF

Alternate Symbol(s):  WFSTF

Western Forest Products Inc. is a Canada-based integrated forest products company building a margin-focused log and lumber business to compete in global softwood markets. The Company’s primary business is the sale of lumber and logs, which includes timber harvesting, sawmilling logs into specialty lumber, value-added lumber and glulam remanufacturing, and wholesaling purchased lumber. It has a lumber capacity of approximately 885 million board feet from six sawmills, as well as operates four remanufacturing facilities and two glulam manufacturing facilities. The Company's product categories include outdoor living, exterior appearance, LIFESTYLE CEDAR, interior living, structural, industrial and WFP engineered products. Its outdoor living products include decking, timbers and fencing products. Its LIFESTYLE CEDAR products include LIFESTYLE CEDAR Decking and LIFESTYLE CEDAR Fencing. Its WFP Engineered Products include curved and arched glulams, straight glulams, and fabricated trusses.

TSX:WEF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by SandHeadson Jul 19, 2013 11:17am
Post# 21617942


RE:RE:RE:EarningsThe Dutch auction will probably be all or mostly Brookfield shares at $1.50. They have committed to tender the full amount I believe. If others tender, the Dutch auction kicks in. This is away for Brookfield to get sone of their risk money back and still own exactly the same amout of the company as they did before. Other investors win as well as the number of shares reduces by 67 million if the price is $1.50. All imho of course. 
Bullboard Posts