RE:Mountain Province ExcitementDenvCol1 : Do you know who Dr. Pangloss is ? He's you.
I think a lot of the "interest" in the EIR of Mountain Province is actually a concern, and not necessarily an optimistic sign.
I've offered posts that are 'in line' with my pessimism. Mark Twain said,"Write what you know" - and I don't know the NWT and it's 'first nation' "protection racket"; my choice of words. But that's what I think it is.
Any of my further investments in the NWT would be in such things as "CIA mosquito farms", "NWT tundra exportation", "fish habitat kits for exporting NWT fish", "NWT caribou GPS for wayward herds", "'first nation' grifter guidelines for success in modern society", etc. etc. There is money to be made in the NWT.
So, I write what I know; I do know that at times, raw diamonds are be the currency of the criminal underground, and that Gold and Silver are real currency, and ink and paper aren't.
Gold is up $22.00 in ASIA tonight and there is a short squeeze in the metals coming.
I hope everyone has a laugh at this post. I don't know s**t about diamonds, or the NWT of Canada.