RE:?Hey Ark, I am with you on this.
IF this is the Holy Grail, why in the world would key figures like Mark, Peter, Sam, etc have not put a good chunk of their own moolaa on the line. Blackout is the common answer... I say bull ! Maybe they are in one now but how long has this been ON for? (a year or more?) and I dont care that Lee and his wife put the monthly grocery money on the line. FREE ride for alot of execs.
I dont know about you but if I was a director/or any key player that has first hand look at the potential that this thing has (many months ago, if not years) I would beg, steal, and borrow to invest. Most execs are calculated risk takers, as they would not be in the position they are in.
Dont get me wrong.. I own one motherload of shares. At one time I was aiming for 1% of the company. LP and his old group of buddies with all their carry-ons stopped that in its tracks. And that diggle nut is still there.
Looking forward for Atomic to start the show.