All these wannabee - have you considered...This schilling for any comany that announces it has a play nex to Zen is geting tedious and cnfirms why I now rarely visit this site, nd only then for ammusment.
Okay, so maybe if you are a fulltime daytraders who follows these stocks minute by minute, you might be able to make money buying and seling on penny and half cent moves up and down. But if you want to drive your stock's price up by getting other members hear to buy, you had better come up ith some good DD and solid reasons.
Proximity to Zen and "low mag": photos mean nothing - afAs Zen experts you should know this. For every real find there are always lots of claims that pop up using the prximity argument to drive up their penny prices - name any that has ever amounted to nything. One or to, maybe.
Consider this. Do you relly think Zen did not check out the neigbouring properties in their flyovers? Do you really htink they would have msised these anomalies? If they did not miss them , there is presumably a reason why they did notstake claims or buy the caims early on - i.e. they were not worth the minimal effort that would have been required.
But lets say they did overlook them. Do you not think that whoever had the ciaims would have gone to Zen first looking for an offer. Zen coud have snaped them up easily if there was any point.
Insteady they have been virtually given away to companies that seem to have lots of shares but no or little money, and issue NRs that read more iike the latest miracle juicer dverotiral
I'll stick to Zen, thank you very much. If at some point on of these these wannabes does actually start drilling and proviidingverifiable hard data - which I suspect will be long after Zen has old for a mga sum, I might consider using some of my profits to give that comany a wihirl. But right now I'll pass on using my money to help someone else try to dirive up the price of comaniies that have so far done absoultlely nothing to warrant it.
I am with 416investor - is this even a Zenyatta board any more?