Observing and the informing.....
.....is now considered bashing? I would expect most of what's left around here are happy that someone is able to watch every trade, check and inform on the failed robo-trades and call a high-closer caught almost in the act. I do not see anyone else here taking such a detailed interest in a deal that is quickly exposing itself as a derelict deal. My current position, past position or the position of my fellow traders is of no concern to anyone other than those with skin in the game.
How is it 'bashing' when one look at the chart tells anyone that the last dual raises was the very definition of catching a falling knife? Is it 'bashing' to point out that the company does not have a technical document and did one heck of a good job rocking this lemming toward a ten dollar bill without an NI43-101? And how about the comments on "Lake Collusus"...was I not right on the money on that call?
And I do know this...all of the brash pumpers and the analysts who were pro this deal have either left the building in disgrace or have churned down their forecasts. And then there is the share price....HUGE volume, big crosses, stacks of support on the bid side to get chewed down in minutes. Nothing is holding. 80 cents is looking like a distant dream. Heck, it's a good thing today everyone had to get onside and *maybe* tomorrow the games will start anew, but just from what I am seeing - the share price is on the cusp of complete collapse.
Why is no one stepping in to take a shot on hitting all-time lows? BECAUSE THE RESOURCE IS UNDER WATER! Been there and done that...and it has never worked out for me. At least the company is not floating the idea of bottling the water and selling it as Aqua de Collusus!