If everyone is so secure in the belief that ZEN has massive fundamental value, why are you all freaking out about a bit of "manipulation"?
Unless of course you are also involved in heavy trading.
A very simple minded response. Are you not aware that the VSE is on the verge of death? Have you not seen the devastation the VSE has gone through? So when you have a stock that is surviving, knocking the legs out has more impact then the stock itself. How do you build confidence in the VSE again if you allow thes jokers to work the stock like this? It has Absolutely nothing to do with what you appear to think is a brilliant answer.
Instead of assuming conspiracy theories think a little deeper !![/quote]
Chief, t
hey want the TSXV to die...
TGR: Who benefits most from more regulation?
DM: More regulation in Canada benefits the banks. Regulation is a growth industry these days and the banks have taken over the Independent Dealers Association. They’ve taken over the TSX. In some regards, they even control the regulators. Our finance minister, for example, is an ex-banker. Our central banker is an ex-banker. The people that rule the regulators are the politicians, and the politicians are all ex-lawyers and ex-bankers.
If you take a look at a mandate for a bank, it’s to continue to consolidate and provide more money for its shareholders. It has got no interest in job creation. It has no interest in Venture markets.
If they’d had their way, the Big Six banks in Canada would have consolidated among themselves, but the government prevented that.
TGR: But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that the banks benefit from more regulation, which squeezes out the brokers, and then say they don’t want anything to do with junior mining.
DM:They don’t want the Venture market. They want to gather the assets that people have. If you want into the resource sector, they’re going to offer you an exchange-traded fund or a fund that they own. The last place they want to send you is to a junior mining company. They don’t even want to send you to the senior mining companies anymore.
The competition is fiercer than ever: the Australian Small Scale Offering Board (ASSOB), the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. How are we going to compete with these if we’re killing off our independent brokers as a source of funding, regulating the retail investor out of the market and forcing our companies offshore?
TGR: You believe that that’s the ultimate outcome here?
DM: One of my clients is heading to Asia next week.
If regulators continue to put up all these barriers, Venture money will go somewhere else. They’ll create new avenues to find money. Take crowdfunding—it’s a relatively new creation, but it’s taken off like crazy. Why? It’s an easier way to raise money as a startup. Private funding has become much more prevalent in the oil and gas industry, for example.