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Premier Health of America Inc T.PSN

Primary Symbol: V.PHA Alternate Symbol(s):  PRHAF

Premier Health of America Inc. is a Canadian healthtech company. The Company provides a comprehensive range of outsourced service solutions for healthcare needs to governments, corporations, and individuals. The Company uses its proprietary LiPHe platform to lead the healthcare services sector in digital transformation to provide patients with more accessible care services. The Company operates through two segments: Per Diem and Travel Nurses. The Per Diem segment includes Premier Soin and Code Bleu, two of its Quebec subsidiaries that offer their respective services for nursing and assistance by profile and by region. The Travel nurse segment includes Canadian Health Care Agency, Premier Soin Nordik, Solutions Nursing as well as Solutions Staffing, four of its subsidiaries that offer their respective services to the federal and provincial governments for nursing and assistance, including in remote regions.

TSXV:PHA - Post by User

Comment by zeus55on Aug 15, 2013 6:46pm
Post# 21674647

RE:poseidon concepts

RE:poseidon concepts
I doubt that the RCMP will get involved, as it would be hard to prove that this was intentional fraud.
But, the securities regulators had better come down on these creeps with the full force of whatever power they have.
At the very least, I would expect any insider who benefitted from the spinout of PSN from Open Range to be forced to pay back all of their ill-gotten gains, every dirty penny.
But of course nothing will benefit the shareholders, as their money is long gone. The banks and other creditors get it all.
So all the shareholders get from this fiasco is the very valuable lesson that no one is to be trusted.
Pretty much everyone in the stock market has only one goal in life, and that is to fill their pockets at the expense of everyone else.
Buyer beware, as always.
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