Kesefspeaking out of both sides of your mouth is not going to help you at all. try to settle down and see the bigger picture instead of bouncing around from board to board, and tossing capital letters at everyone in the hopes that your statements will carry any weight.
you always sign off with do your own DD, and i have to say that reading your posts makes me very happy that i have done just that for over 16 months in the hydrothermal vein/lump space.
i own both CCB and ZEN, and for good reason in both situations. i first bought ZEN in March of last year and have added on the big dips.
i bought CCB when PO still ran the company, and i'm glad he's gone. I've added here too on the dips. R Bruce Duncan has accomplished a great deal in a short period of time and with very, very minimal cash outlay.
you seem to have a lot of nervous energy, so why not take it over to the poor folks on the flake stock message boards who desperately need an escape hatch for their dilemma.
you aren't going to see an exodus out of ZEN into CCB by bashing ZEN on here or over on their board. there's plenty of bashers working the ZEN board already, and many of the ZEN shareholders either have some CCB or are aware of it, watching it and ready to use some free cash to buy some when the VTEM comes in or the drill hits.
i just don't understand why you are so insecure.