For thoseWho like to read and have read their news articles:
I would like to speculate on the jan 6th 2014 payment deadline.
Do you think Precision postponed the payment to get a market base on sales to see if they would like to proceed with MBI? ie. We offered Signal Genetics LLC and Respira Health LLC X amount. If we can get a return of X amount prior to the settlement date we will pay, If not we scrub the plan and walk from MBI?
Why is the payment postponed till then; and if not paid the lawsuit is back onto MBI well knowing that if at that time they do sue MBI they will get peanuts to nothing or anex MBI and leave shareholders in the dust.
"The clinical studies were conducted using patient specimens prospectively accrued by Precision from a consortium of medical centers in the United States. Precision expects to commence commercialization of LungExpress Dx in its CLIA-certified laboratory by mid-2013." reuters Jan 23/13
This is interesting have they already started prior to mid 2013?
"Precision has already completed the substantive analytical design for this work and expects the remaining laboratory work and data analysis to take approximately 12 to 14 weeks to complete. Precision anticipates receipt of their CLIA-certification and product launch shortly thereafter.
In anticipation of commercialization, Precision is integrating GeneFx Lung into its sales, marketing and reimbursement teams and will continue with its successful strategy of having their teams interact directly with surgeons, oncologists, pathologists and patient advocacy groups to convey the clinical and health economic benefits of their tests."
Oh wow already intergrated into sales and marketing... ie already have paitents lined up once they recieve the CLIA cert.
Now if these things do not happen in a timely fashion I do believe the dissident shareholders may have proof to their pudding.
If you go back even further in the news you will see that MBI thought Signal Genetics LLC and Respira Health LLC had no merrit against a claim and yet precision has had to pay them off.
HUH!!! Is it MBI directors or does MBI need a new legal team? I would go with the latter if I was a betting man. I am now personally hoping that Precisions lawyers are handling the Dissident shareholder case.
All my honest opinion.
Do what you like when you like!