some info from their MD&AAs at June 30, 2013, the Company has working capital of $7,892,569 (December 31, 2012 – $7,916,973). As of June 30, 2013, the Company has a cash balance of $8,249,675 (December 31, 2012 – $8,265,454) to settle current accounts payable and accrued liabilities of $757,679 Unigold will continue to drill its Neita project and plans to complete a maiden NI 43-101 resource estimate for the fourth quarter. Given the present market conditions, the Company has moved to conserve its cash. Drilling was suspended for one month in August and will resume in September but only one drill will operate. An additional drilling hiatus is planned starting mid-December for at least one month. Operations in 2014 will depend on market conditions to raise capital and the results of the second half exploration drilling program as the Company intends to act in a fiscally responsible manner in the current market environment.