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Reckon Ltd T.RKN

Primary Symbol: RKNLF

Reckon Limited is an Australia-based software company that provides software for accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and personal users. The Company’s divisions include Business Group and Legal Practice Management Group. Business Group provides accounting and payroll software for small to larger sized businesses and personal wealth management software branded as Reckon One, Reckon Mobile and Reckon Accounts Hosted (cloud products), Reckon Accounts Business and Reckon Accounts Personal respectively. The divisions operate predominantly in Australia and New Zealand. Legal Practice Management Group provides practice management software and workflow solutions to legal firms for document scanning and routing, print management and cost recovery solutions under the nQZebraworks brand, with a focus on releasing new cloud practice management products. It operates predominantly in the United States and United Kingdom, with re-sellers in other parts of the world.

OTCPK:RKNLF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by JSP127on Sep 05, 2013 2:12pm
Post# 21720730

If not a NR, then perhaps

If not a NR, then perhapsinvestors may be getting ready for the next Quarter's numbers in November.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Bullboard Posts