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My take away from this NR is that Hanger Flats is a Bust and West End is not that far behind it.
It seems that the companies focus may have switched from the gold and antimony to the Financial, Technical and Environmental impacts of the project.
Basically the ozs they got from the Vista Deal Deposit plus the ozs they found from drilling in close proximitry to it will be nearly the only ozs they will put into the study.
Too bad it took about 70 million dollars for them to find this out.
I hope the company does not throw out all the info that they have already on the other senerio because I would think the perameters of the pits will change if the pog goes over 2500 dollars an oz.
I now look for a much much lower cap ex number plus a much higher IRR combined with lower operating costs.
JMHO do your own DD