My view from the cheap seats Fertiman....The biggest question mark here for me is the mining licence, assuming it is awarded I can see the otther pieces to the puzzle falling into place....but not unless or until it is in hand.
Our bearish friends seem to be of the opinion that the licence is a non-issue, and that even if it is awarded, that there will be little or no tangible effect on the PPS as its already priced in. I however disagree, I do think that the uncertainty surrounding it is weighing the value down somewhat...How much? Only time will tell if it does in fact materialize.
From what I'm able to gather the licence has been just a couple weeks or so away for about 6 months now. In business and the markets it pays to under promise and over deliver, Allana on this point has been doing the opposite, and I do thiink it has had a negative impact on the PPS.
Perhaps its not their fault, maybe its just typical bureacracy....but communication is the responsibility of the company and its officers and they've done a poor job in my opinion. Given their experience to date I would think it would behoove them to say something like:
"We've completed all the neccessary work on our end and have been told to expect a decision in a timely manner, however in our experience with the Ethiopian MoM timelines are often extended so we ask our investors to be patient".
There are positive and negatives here, and pointing out only the positives makes you appear like little more than a paid shill Ferti....I think however that its probable you're simply a retail investor like myself, and that you've fallen in love with this company. And like many lovers out there you have a remarkable capacity to look past all the negatives in your beloved.
What negatives?
RK and his history with Sino-Forest....Why would Allana take on someone with this guys history? I imagine it was because of his connections within the investment community, but still...his involvement comes with a cost imo. Here's an article you can read:
The other negatives....the manner in which this stock was pumped a few years back. Check out the cheese ball pump and dump piece from in Jan of 2011:
Suffice to say there are postives and negatives, eliminate the negatives and AAA would probably be trading significantly higher imo....but seeing only the posiitives, it might keep a lousy marriage together but in the investing world it can be a recipe for significant losses as you likelly know all to well.