FNR's Financials/Expenses/Salaries VS Sinking Stock Value and CashI see, from FNR's financial report on Sedar, Tom and Staff continue to collect nice pay/salaries while FNR share holders value continues to sink and the stock moves closer to being illiquid.
Business and Investor Relations - $341,000 to date - For what, this is a poor excuse for IR Team and as a whole for Investor Relations by the FNR Team? Wonder who is getting these funds and what are the expenses, Hotels, Private Jets??, Large Expense Accounts? No Bang for the buck here, waste of valuable cash assets.
I see TMM Portfolion AKA Tom continues to collect fees for TMM's get investments and MGMT??? I believe Tom's wife Nicole is paid by TMM, Tom please correct me if I am mistaken or wrong.
Prodessional Fees still being paid - to who? for what? same cast of people who have been collecting these fees all a long - ID them please?
Current Liabilities exceed Current Assets?
All the above in my humble opinion and review of SEDAR Filings by FNR. Tom please do correct me if I am in correct or made an error.